Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Art of Making Offers on Northern Michigan Property

How many times have you wondered how much you should offer on a piece of real estate? Thoughts go through your mind, "I don't want to insult them" or "I really want the property, but do want to make an offer less than full price". Here is my favorite, "I wonder if they'd take 1/2?" All of these thoughts are common and good questions. You just have to ask yourself, "How bad do I want the property?"

As a real estate investor, I make no personal connections to any property, "it clouds the judgement" (Gordan Gecko). The time to sell is when you don't want to. The same goes for buying. If you money is not burning a hole in your pocket, nor do you need a place right away, you can risk offering 70% of list. If you've just sold a home and are going to be in a bind, then 95% would not be out of line. It all depends on your personal needs. For more information and articles about northern Michigan real estate investing, click on this link to see my personal website.


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